Resume of Don Alfons


Don is a passionate, motivated, and creative web developer with work experience since 2020. He learning web development since 2015 and mostly focused on front-end web development but has the flexibility and experience to work on back-end web development as well. He experience with web technologies and tools such as NodeJS, MySQL, PHP, Laravel, ReactJS, and VueJS.


Age: 0
Occupation: Kuta, Bali - Indonesia
Personal Website:
GitHub: itsdonnix
LinkedIn: itsdonnix


Associate Degree of Information Technology at STIKOM UYELINDO Kupang

Jul 2015 - Dec 2019 - GPA: 3.44


Thing's that I've touch so far:


Git, GitHub, Docker, Netlify, Vercel, PostCSS, Hugo SSG, Discourse


Redis, MySQL & MariaDB

Programming Languages:

HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJS, Typescript, C#, V, SASS, SQL, PHP, Python


jQuery, Vue, React, Svelte, Sapper, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Express, Fastify, Sequelize, TailwindCSS


Responsive Web Design, a11y, i18n, PWA


Full-time Front-End Web Developer

May 2021 - Present at Alphien SAS

  • Building and maintain NuxtJS and VueJS websites.
  • Building and maintain Laravel websites.
  • Extending a discourse forum (Develop discourse widgets and extensions).
  • Develop JupyterLab extensions.
  • Integrate PayPal payment with Laravel website.
  • Install and extending Qlo Hotel Reservation System.

Part-time Front-End Web Developer

Feb 2021 - May 2021 at Vlingo

Web Developer & IT Support

Feb 2020 - Aug 2020 at STIKOM UYELINDO Kupang

  • Build a website for improve student's online services.
  • Upgrade & improve campus main website.
  • Analyze and improve existing campus websites security and UI.
  • Upgrade campus tech stacks.